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Collect and Send DNA Test



You don't have to visit our clinic for DNA test if you do not have the time or if the other party is unwilling. If you have Q-tips, you can collect the swabs at home and send them to us by courier or mail. You will not need any test kits or special equipment. You can buy Q-tips in any pharmacy. Make sure that you only buy the ones that are made of 100% pure cotton.

Click this button to get started:

Print instructions


How to collect swabs from the mouth:

Collecting swabs at home and sending them by mail saves you time and money (on transportation if you live far away). We offer detailed instructions online or as a downloadable PDF file to make this process easy for you.


What does the report contain?

The report of the DNA test will be delivered to you by mail or email, whichever is preferable to you. It will clearly state whether there is a biological relationship between the subjects or not. The result of the DNA test done by DNAForce is accepted as irrefutable proof of paternity.


Additional Information

Call: 1 800 830-6306


Tested Parties

1 or more individuals

DNA Tests available:

The instructions are valid for most type of tests: Standard paternity test, Siblingship test, Grandparent test, Avuncular test, yDNA test, Mitochondrial test, Ancestral Origins, etc..

Results In

approximately 8 business days after sample receipt.