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List of all of our tests
All prices in Canadian dollars

Test Price
Paternity test 1 alleged father and 1 child
199 CAD+tax
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395 CAD +tax
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Maternity test 1 alleged mother and 1 child
199 CAD+tax
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395 CAD+tax
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Kinship test alleged brothers or sisters, uncle, aunt, niece or nephew, grandparents, grand-children, twins, etc.
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Ancestral origins test - races Your percentage of DNA associated with multiple races
$199+tax Add Kit to Cart $284+tax Book my Appointment
Native American DNA estimation test An estimation of the percentage of native American DNA
$199+tax Add Kit to Cart $284+tax Book my Appointment
Tests while pregnant
Prenatal paternity test 1 alleged father and 1 pregnant mother
$1995 CAD+tax
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Prenatal gender test 1 pregnant mother
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