Configure Your Kinship DNA Test Appointment:
What relationship would you like to test?
Siblingship Test (between alleged brothers/sisters to determine if they share the same mother and/or father)
Grandparent Test (between grandchild and alleged grandparents)
Avuncular Test (between niece/nephew and alleged uncle/aunt)
Cousin Test (between alleged cousins)
Extended Cousin Test (between alleged 2nd to 5th cousins)
Twin Zygosity test (to determine if twins are genetically identical or fraternal)
Other/More complex (call us before selecting this option)
How many participants would you like to test?
2 participants
3 participants
4 participants
5 participants
6 participants
7 participants
8 participants
9 participants
10 participants
11 participants
Scheduling Options
All participants together at one location, same time
2 separate times or locations
3 separate times or locations
4 separate times or locations
5 separate times or locations
6 separate times or locations
Would you like a chain of custody?
This is required for the report to be admissible in court, officially, or with the government.
No, the report will be for informational purposes only
Yes, the report will contain a chain of custody
Taxes will be calculated at the final step